Security Team
Security Team members must demonstrate good judgment, integrity, compassion and be well grounded in the Christian faith. They should not be timid but should be comfortable approaching and interacting with others including visitors and strangers who come into our church. Security Team members are expected to ensure that they care for their souls just as well as they care for the security of other members of the flock. They should regularly attend worship service in addition to their work serving the flock. Team members should be alert, observant and attentive to their surroundings at all times when on duty.
All volunteers for this ministry must be 18 years of age and must undergo a background check and director approval. Individuals applying for this ministry should be in regular attendance at the church for 6 months or more unless otherwise approved by a ministry director.
Serving Positions:
Keeps an eye out for the general safety of church activities by patroling the church grounds, helping individuals in need, fostering a welcoming environment, and responding to any security threats - typically by involving local authorities.
Surveilance/Dispatch Operator
Tunes into the church surveilance system we have capturing video of all entrances, hallways, and the perimeter of our building, watching to ensure children and church-goers are safe and notifying other Security Team Ministry members whenever situations need attention.
Building Locking / Unlocking Coordinator
Come early and open up to get things ready for the band to rehearse and classes to meet, or stay late and ensure that our last guest makes it out safely before securing the building.
Team Leader
Coordinates Security Team Ministry efforts for a worship service. This role is invitation-only.
Opportunity Details:
Preference Area: Security
Role: Behind the Scenes, Somewhere In-Between